Sunday, September 28, 2014

Iowa Weekend: Farmer's Market

My weekend was spent in Iowa with Nate. His parents were also in town for a bit. All of us spent our Saturday morning at the Farmer's Market browsing the different stands, trying tasty foods, and admiring all of the different types of dogs. This was the last week for many of the Flower Vendors at the market, so I was thankful we went so I could snap some pictures!

Nate enjoys the Farmer's Market, mainly for the food and dog-watching. 

Again, the dog-watching was the main event during our morning adventure. It was amazing how many different breeds of dogs there were. We talked to a young man who was walking a German Shorthaired Pointer that was 3 months old. This little pup looked like a baby deer trying to walk on her long thin legs. I pointed out how large her floppy years were, and the owner said he hoped one day she would grow into them! We also ran into this bulldog a number of times that morning. This guy just looked so happy, I had to take a picture.

One of our favorite stands is one that makes lawn ornaments out of iron and rocks. They make various different species of animals such as ants, caterpillars, frogs, dogs, cats, scorpions, giraffes, and peacocks (shown below).

I hope you all enjoyed your weekend, and had a chance to enjoy the great outdoors!


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