Friday, November 14, 2014

Hearts & Crafts: DIY Heart Patterned Pants

This week has been one of those incredibly lazy weeks... I just haven't been motivated to workout, cook, or blog. Have you ever had one of those days/weeks? I blame the cold, polar vortex weather. 
Anyway, last night I was finally inspired to finish my latest craft! Do-It-Yourself Heart Patterned Pants! And, by the way, this is the easiest craft ever!
I found a tutorial through Pinterest via The Pretty Life Girls and went from there.

I started my project by making a stencil. I used a small piece of cardstock and evenly spaced five small dots on it using a ruler. The placement of the dots is where I eventually cut out my hearts. The next step was to cut the hearts. I didn't have a heart shaped hole-punch tool, so I decided to do it by hand. I used the trick of folding the paper in half along each of my dots and I drew out half of the heart and cut. I figured my hearts would at least be symmetrical cutting them this way. All five of my hearts turned out slightly different, so if you are an ultra perfectionist, you may want to consider another method.

Once your stencil is complete, you can begin painting your pants using your stencil, fabric paint, and a sponge brush. I chose to just take my stencil and free-hand where I wanted my hearts to be painted. This is where the 5 evenly spaced hearts on my stencil came in handy. I didn't really have to measure out on my jeans where each heart should go. If you couldn't tell already, I'm not one who really cares for measuring and getting everything exact. I try to do the best I can with just "eye-balling" it!

As far as painting the paints go, don't overload your sponge brush with paint. Make sure after you dip your brush, that you wipe it off several times. This will ensure a nice faded-heart look. If you use too much paint, it will bleed through the leg and your pants will stick together. Once finished painting, let your paints dry over-night. Scroll to the bottom for a printable tutorial!

DIY Heart Patterned Pants (Printable Tutorial)

Old Pair of Jeans (or, some colorful pants would look super cute too!) 
Fabric Paint
Sponge Brush


1. Create a stencil by evenly spacing out 5 (3 dots on top, 2 dots on bottom) dots on a piece of cardstock about 1/2 to 1 inch apart. 

2. Fold the cardstock along each dot and draw out half of a heart making your dot in the center.

3. Cut out your half heart drawing and unfold the cardstock to reveal your first symmetrical heart.

4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for the remaining 4 dots.

5. Begin using your stencil, fabric paint, and sponge brush to paint hearts onto your pants.

6. Let each side dry before washing and wearing!

Is there anything else that you would like to talk about? What did you think about the movie Interstellar? Are you hoping to score a great deal on Black Friday? Did you try a new recipe that would be great for the Holidays? I'd love to chat, so post your comments and questions!

Have a great day!
